Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Reading with Dad

This is my dad, reading me a book.  It's fun and all, but does he really think i need him to read to me?  I have my own Blog for pete's sake!!  Either way, it's fun, reading is a blast!

Chilin' with my big sis...

Ah yes, some of my favorite times.  My big sis finds me, steals me away, and we hang out in her room for a while.  She shows me all her cool stuff, let's me hang in her comfy bed.  It's the best.  I bet someday, she will yell at me for even being in her room... I hear big sisters do that!

Check out me and my friend Neylah!

She's a couple months older than me, already crawling, has teeth and everything.  I'm so jealous.  You just wait you icky girl, I'm gonna kick yer butt some day!  I kid, I kid!!  She's actually pretty cool, for a girl.

I've said it before, I can sleep ANYWHERE

Sleeping is my job, and when duty calls... well, i don't disappoint.  I crash out wherever i like, BLAM, just like that.